Infographics at

You should display your information vividly and digestible. Do it the graphic way and let your data look great. This new online tool helps you do so easily. logo


Perhaps you have noticed these fancy charts with big good looking chunks of graphic. You probably have since they’re all over the net lately. They are called infographics and are about presenting information, usually numbers and statistics, in a visually interesting way. The trend is huge, but up until now you had to know software like Adobe Illustrator to get good results. So it has definitely not been for everyone. It is now though! online service is an online service that let’s you put together creative infographics in a quick and intuitive way. The hurdle of mastering Illustrator is overcome as you simply drag and drop and specify the sort of numbers and headlines you want. Even though it’s currently a beta-version, it works pretty smoothly. interface


-Choose from a variety of premade templates

-Add text, charts, maps, pictures and even video

-Import data from spreadsheets (Excel etc.)

-Easily share on social media

-Interactive infographics

-It’s free!


Try it out yourself


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